In this day and age, it’s safe to presume that most of us rely heavily on technology. With this in mind, major appliances

share one thing in common – they require servicing and maintenance at varying intervals (depending on the brand

and/or model). To keep your major appliances in good working condition(s) and longer lasting, Reliable Appliance Repair highly

recommends to perform annual servicing and maintenance for the below appliances:

Refrigerator / Freezer




  • Refrigerator / Freezer – servicing the Refrigerator Condenser, which usually consists of dirt, human/pet hairs,dust, and etc.The condenser is responsible for cooling the gas that funnels through the fridge. If the condenser is clogged,proper heat evacuation will not work, which may lead to overheating/damaging the compressor and related


  • Washer – servicing the Washer Draining Pump, Housing & Tubes, and Filtration System.It’s very common forgetting to check pocket contents before loading your washer. Objects like coins, pins,buttons, etc. can clog and most likely break the draining pump.
  • Dryer – servicing the Dryer Heat Element, Motor, Pulley & Retainers, and Supportive Drum Wheels.As you may know, lint is considered an extreme fire hazard and can easily catch on fire. Additionally, it maydamage and degrease the shafts.


  • Refrigerator / Freezer – servicing the Refrigerator Compressor & Draining Tubes/Tray.A simple clog in the draining tube will cause the evaporator’s fan to fail and cause ice build-up from the coils.
  • Washer – servicing the Washer’s Motor/Transmission, Belt Retainers, Supportive Shocks and Spring System.With time, the tenseness of the retainers and/or springs will become loose. The result of this will lead toincreased vibrations that directly damages the inner surrounding components.
  • Dryer – servicing the Dryer’s Motor, Drum Bearing, Pulley and/or Retainer

    By keeping the components properly lubricated, you can prolong the equipment for longer lasting usage.